Monday, June 28, 2004
A Recipe for a Dinner Party (Bound to impress your guests!).
Measure out a drop of blood
On a silver teaspoon
Let it drop
Into a bowl
With a tear of pain and
122 mls of salted wounds
Slowly stir in
Some pieces of a broken heart
Slowly combine the mixture
As you
A fallen eyelash
A single vein
Preferably from the neck
Finely grounded tooth
Then put it all
In a blender
That bottle
And let fall
The voice of sorrow
Into the mixture
Close it quick
Into a pan
And bake
Until warm
Please serve with fresh thick scarlet blood.
Measure out a drop of blood
On a silver teaspoon
Let it drop
Into a bowl
With a tear of pain and
122 mls of salted wounds
Slowly stir in
Some pieces of a broken heart
Slowly combine the mixture
As you
A fallen eyelash
A single vein
Preferably from the neck
Finely grounded tooth
Then put it all
In a blender
That bottle
And let fall
The voice of sorrow
Into the mixture
Close it quick
Into a pan
And bake
Until warm
Please serve with fresh thick scarlet blood.
Sunday, June 27, 2004
Sun and moon
Night and day
You and I
Twins Alike
Black and White
Half and Half
Chess board pieces
Jigsaw puzzles
Locket pieces
Hand in hand
Mirror reflections
Duo Opposites.
I dream
As I sleep
Cradled in your arms
I turned suddenly
To look over my shoulder
Hoping to catch a glimpse of you.
Night and day
You and I
Twins Alike
Black and White
Half and Half
Chess board pieces
Jigsaw puzzles
Locket pieces
Hand in hand
Mirror reflections
Duo Opposites.
I dream
As I sleep
Cradled in your arms
I turned suddenly
To look over my shoulder
Hoping to catch a glimpse of you.
Upon my lips
Scarlet red
I stabbed the fish
And hauled it out
From waters deep
In the river
Watched it sway
And let it go
And swim away
Dream flowers
Dream flowers
So bright and fresh
Fade away
When I awake
Upon my lips
Scarlet red
I stabbed the fish
And hauled it out
From waters deep
In the river
Watched it sway
And let it go
And swim away
Dream flowers
Dream flowers
So bright and fresh
Fade away
When I awake
A Wondrous World
Spinning, leaping, whirling
Through life
A gust of breeze
Brings leaves rushing down
Scents of flowers
Ribbons circling
Rushing madly
Through the roses
Spinning, whirling
Madness in life
Love in a dizzying
Fall of cherry blossoms
And plum flowers
Take me
Through ornate pillars
And rooms adorned with silk and mahogany wood
Past the ponds
And the gardens
Over the red-post bridge
And into the garden of madness
Where lovers get lost in the mazes
And children live forever
Black and white piazzas
Clouds of coloured smoke
Large trees
Fields of blue-eyed grass
Leaping over wooden stiles
Great deserts
Where dervishes whirl beside great magical fires
Oceans raging up
Among the mermaids
By mountains high
Great pinnacles
Sing to the great bird
Laugh with all your might
As you dance to the piper's tune
With feverish abandonment upon your red shoes
Through caves of jewels
And kiss the gypsy one you love
Close your eyes
And let the madness take you over.
Spinning, leaping, whirling
Through life
A gust of breeze
Brings leaves rushing down
Scents of flowers
Ribbons circling
Rushing madly
Through the roses
Spinning, whirling
Madness in life
Love in a dizzying
Fall of cherry blossoms
And plum flowers
Take me
Through ornate pillars
And rooms adorned with silk and mahogany wood
Past the ponds
And the gardens
Over the red-post bridge
And into the garden of madness
Where lovers get lost in the mazes
And children live forever
Black and white piazzas
Clouds of coloured smoke
Large trees
Fields of blue-eyed grass
Leaping over wooden stiles
Great deserts
Where dervishes whirl beside great magical fires
Oceans raging up
Among the mermaids
By mountains high
Great pinnacles
Sing to the great bird
Laugh with all your might
As you dance to the piper's tune
With feverish abandonment upon your red shoes
Through caves of jewels
And kiss the gypsy one you love
Close your eyes
And let the madness take you over.
Wednesday, June 23, 2004
Solstice Night
Solstice Night
Was the Night
When the Faeries Came Out
And I Saw You
When I Was Drawn to You
Out of My Bed
By the Moonlight Shining Through the Window
Down to the Forest
Where the Dew-Dipped Grass Was Wet Beneath My Feet
And the Foliage of the Trees were Misty Green and Like a Dream
Under the Moonlight
Pagan dreamings
I Wanted to Mate With the Earth
And With You
To Feel the Earth's Ancient Rhythms
Celebrating the Changing of the Seasons
I Forget All Human Constraints
Remember the Ancient Keeping of My Ancestors
The Homage They Paid to the Earth
And I Was Lying On the Body of Mother Earth
And You were Lying Upon My Body
And the Verdant Smell of Crushed Ferns
Sprang Up All Around Us
And the Wild Fragrance of Flowers
Curled Up Over Our Bodies
And Your Hands Caressed My Body
As I Wildly Desire
I Became One With Earth Beneath Me,
Cold Wind Caressing Me
Dewdrops Moisting Me
Firelight from the Moon and Stars bathing Me
You Inside Me
They Bade Me Come
And Be One with Them
And Become One With the Earth
And Become One with All the World
And I Came
And I Came
And I Came With You.
Solstice Night
Was the Night
When the Faeries Came Out
And I Saw You
When I Was Drawn to You
Out of My Bed
By the Moonlight Shining Through the Window
Down to the Forest
Where the Dew-Dipped Grass Was Wet Beneath My Feet
And the Foliage of the Trees were Misty Green and Like a Dream
Under the Moonlight
Pagan dreamings
I Wanted to Mate With the Earth
And With You
To Feel the Earth's Ancient Rhythms
Celebrating the Changing of the Seasons
I Forget All Human Constraints
Remember the Ancient Keeping of My Ancestors
The Homage They Paid to the Earth
And I Was Lying On the Body of Mother Earth
And You were Lying Upon My Body
And the Verdant Smell of Crushed Ferns
Sprang Up All Around Us
And the Wild Fragrance of Flowers
Curled Up Over Our Bodies
And Your Hands Caressed My Body
As I Wildly Desire
I Became One With Earth Beneath Me,
Cold Wind Caressing Me
Dewdrops Moisting Me
Firelight from the Moon and Stars bathing Me
You Inside Me
They Bade Me Come
And Be One with Them
And Become One With the Earth
And Become One with All the World
And I Came
And I Came
And I Came With You.
Saturday, June 19, 2004
Pain withstands
Withstands pain
Shining eyes
Why are you so sad?
Across the stars
Withstands pain
Shining eyes
Why are you so sad?
Across the stars
Saturday, June 12, 2004
A toast to shattered glass and blood
Shattered glass
Strewn across the room
I kick my heels up
And drink your blood
Before tossing the glass
Onto the carpet
Whistling a tune
Of abject carelessness
Listening to the wind
Howling through the trees
Leaning back
Against the leather armoire
Wondering why
The poet's gone so late
Smoke a pipe?
Of my finest opium
The fire's still a'burning
And they're crying for blood outside
The spirits are a'shattered
A'gainst the broken glass
Can you see their reflections?
Against the silent shards
Pass me the thick vellum
And my finest feather quill
And let me pen you a poem
In your richest crimson blood
Shattered glass
Strewn across the room
I kick my heels up
And drink your blood
Before tossing the glass
Onto the carpet
Whistling a tune
Of abject carelessness
Listening to the wind
Howling through the trees
Leaning back
Against the leather armoire
Wondering why
The poet's gone so late
Smoke a pipe?
Of my finest opium
The fire's still a'burning
And they're crying for blood outside
The spirits are a'shattered
A'gainst the broken glass
Can you see their reflections?
Against the silent shards
Pass me the thick vellum
And my finest feather quill
And let me pen you a poem
In your richest crimson blood
Monday, June 07, 2004
Beautiful Yuki-ane-mae.
She sits in the center of her throne
Beautiful Yuki-ane-mae
Wide sleeves of snow white
Draped over the marble arms
On either side of her
Patterns of plums and iris and pinks
Adorn her silken hem
Instead of gold and silver
Beautiful Yuki-ane-mae
Her sceptre rests behind her
Voices shout aloud
As a young man hither
Scruff beard and dark eyes
Dirt encrusted nails
Hard-worn calluses
Thrown before beautiful Yuki-ane-mae
Eyes met silver eyes
Defiance against beauty
Singing clear as bells a-ringing
She asks him
What do you want
and what do you seek
Most High Majesty he says
Seek not a petition
Nor a crude letter
From this most base of peasants
You contemplate before thee
But see for yourself
One of your subjects
Born from the land that toils
Under your reign
Seek now to see
Life like a crystal
In the basest of the earth
Deepest of the reachest
Yet sparkles
A dream, Yuki-ane-mae
Is all I seek
Eyebrows like silken reels
Knot together
Voice as rough as dirt
Scrapes the polished brightness
Of the room
When she speaks
He holds his breath
Hither comes a future
You shall die for me
she says
And add
Another dream
for me
A beautiful dream
for me
So saying the guards take him away
He is led from the Palace
And another beautiful dream
Is added for
Beautiful Yuki-ane-mae
So cold and lonely
she sits
On her throne
Of polished marble
Beautiful dreams
weaving for her
by her peasants
So strange
For her
She sits in the center of her throne
Beautiful Yuki-ane-mae
Wide sleeves of snow white
Draped over the marble arms
On either side of her
Patterns of plums and iris and pinks
Adorn her silken hem
Instead of gold and silver
Beautiful Yuki-ane-mae
Her sceptre rests behind her
Voices shout aloud
As a young man hither
Scruff beard and dark eyes
Dirt encrusted nails
Hard-worn calluses
Thrown before beautiful Yuki-ane-mae
Eyes met silver eyes
Defiance against beauty
Singing clear as bells a-ringing
She asks him
What do you want
and what do you seek
Most High Majesty he says
Seek not a petition
Nor a crude letter
From this most base of peasants
You contemplate before thee
But see for yourself
One of your subjects
Born from the land that toils
Under your reign
Seek now to see
Life like a crystal
In the basest of the earth
Deepest of the reachest
Yet sparkles
A dream, Yuki-ane-mae
Is all I seek
Eyebrows like silken reels
Knot together
Voice as rough as dirt
Scrapes the polished brightness
Of the room
When she speaks
He holds his breath
Hither comes a future
You shall die for me
she says
And add
Another dream
for me
A beautiful dream
for me
So saying the guards take him away
He is led from the Palace
And another beautiful dream
Is added for
Beautiful Yuki-ane-mae
So cold and lonely
she sits
On her throne
Of polished marble
Beautiful dreams
weaving for her
by her peasants
So strange
For her
Flesh on flesh
Lost in the darkness of you
Sweet scent
A candle flame in the dark
Tracing your outline
In nearby shadows
Soft words
Of you
In my heart
Soft words of love
©all poetry copyrighted by marilyn 2004Lost in the darkness of you
Sweet scent
A candle flame in the dark
Tracing your outline
In nearby shadows
Soft words
Of you
In my heart
Soft words of love