
Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Don't say a word
Just let me lie
In your shelter
Let the wind blow across my face
And the sun shine down upon me
But the sound of the rustling of the feathery grass
The leaves of the trees in the wind
The sound of the wind
Everytime I
Feel the weight of the problems of the world
Upon this old soul
Come here
To your shelter
Let me lie here
And leave the worries of the world behind
Where nothing else is allowed to come
All cannot pass the ford which guards us from the world
Let me lie here
And feel nothing
But the wind across my face
And your prescence
Comforts me
Your arms
Around me
Let me lie here
In your peace.

Monday, September 06, 2004

Poisoned Dreams
The rainbow serpents
which live below the bridge

Kya is their goddess
A goddess of dreams

Did she put the poison inside your heart?
Which promised the sleep of eternity and dreams of tranquility

Black is her kingdom
Void is her origin

They say that is where she came from
Where we all came from

The rainbow serpents
Their blood promises the dreams of a forsaken god

Sparkling, dazzling, shimmering
A poisoned promise

They say that is where she came from
Where we all came from

But I came from somewhere else
Did you not?

Sat under the plum flower tree
With her mirror and her comb

The flowers scatter each year
Seasons come and seasons go
Yet she waits there

The pool of water surrounds her
Lapping at the hem of her robes
Yet she moves not

Love is who she awaits
Yet love comes to her not
And war comes only too soon

Lifts her robes and takes
her mirror and her comb

She goes on journeys afar
With her sword and her horse
And fights many wars

Many does she meet
The dreamer and the warrior and the seer
The princess and the goddess and the colonel

Legends are told
Songs are sang
And battles of foretold enchantments and alliances are won

When Kyrolie
Returns to her home

She goes with an empty hand
And an empty heart
And only her mirror and her comb

The horse is left by the pool
The sword hung in a tree
The shield rusts 'neath a bush

And Kyrolie stays
Beneath her tree
And lets the flowers fall upon her evermore

Who she waits
No one knows
No one knows who made his bed in her heart

They call her name in many towns
They praise her name in palaces afar
And cities and temples and stables

There are those who seek her out
For love and war and friendship
For heart and soul and apprenticeship

But never will they find her

Kyrolie stays 'neath her tree
No one knows where she is
All rode past her pool

Faerie or goddess?
Enchantress or demoness?
Who would know of what she is?

Perhaps she is nothing more but a dream
Indeed all she hopes for is but a dream
But who am I or you to judge her?

©all poetry copyrighted by marilyn 2004
Pictures at the top of page taken respectively from Yahoo Movies, Carson National Forest, Paris étudiant, Thomas Paquette Paintings.

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