
Thursday, October 20, 2005

Let's talk about - you and me
Let's talk about everyone else except you and me
Let's talk about everything
Let's talk about the world around us.
Freedom and virtue of beauty
What is perfection but imperfection?
I don't know what we can do to love other people
Or even ourselves
Which is harder?
Why is it so hard to do the simplest things?
Jerking, screaming, shouting
Feeling all the love of a hungry person
Emotion yet unattached
Moving, trembling, moaning
She is startled yet touched to the core
In the dead of the night
The one name she can whisper doesn't sound on her lips.
I am alone in my heart
Me and my bottle of chardonnay
A few pieces of paper
And a pen
Where in the world is a poet's soul?
It moves along many roads and many paths
Cities, towns and caves
Rook's roosts and subterranean seas
In the heart of the piece of paper
It shares twin souls
A dream yet to unfold
I sit alone
With my bottle of chardonnay
Where in the world shall I go?
©all poetry copyrighted by marilyn 2004
Pictures at the top of page taken respectively from Yahoo Movies, Carson National Forest, Paris étudiant, Thomas Paquette Paintings.

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