Friday, October 29, 2004
Not This Dance.
I am so sick
of Dancing
with you
I try to turn and go off
the dance floor
You take my arm
And trip my ankles
And whirl me back around
But I'm sick
Of dancing this dance
Of moving
To this rhythm
This music
Is old and tired
I don't want to dance anymore
I want to move to my own rhythm
Let go
And let me
And change the music
And dance to my own rhythm
I don't want
To dance
This Dance
I am so sick
of Dancing
with you
I try to turn and go off
the dance floor
You take my arm
And trip my ankles
And whirl me back around
But I'm sick
Of dancing this dance
Of moving
To this rhythm
This music
Is old and tired
I don't want to dance anymore
I want to move to my own rhythm
Let go
And let me
And change the music
And dance to my own rhythm
I don't want
To dance
This Dance
Friday, October 22, 2004
Where does the dream end?
Snowblossoms falling in the air
As I look upon them
I wonder
How far has my life gone?
When does the dream end
And reality begin?
Even as the seas roar
And they fly through the sky
Upon the bird of their heart
Rainbow lights dazzle
Our heart
Walking through the lost lonely lands
Whom so many in their older years fought
Not lonely
Because people of the heart people it
But are they the only people?
Walking so far
My feet hurt
Please, please
Give me a cup of water
The hills are green and fair in the distance
Who knows what lies beyond them
Except the ice cold blue glaciers?
Is the ship ready?
We are about to sail
Sail where?
I don't know
Please help me
Where should I go?
Against our hair
More so
Than others
A pair of shoes
Sun-kissed face
Lying in my bed
Walking down the walkway by the water
Selling merchandise
Designed by New York
Restaurants and dinners
Parks and Carriages
Couture or culture?
Snowblossoms falling in the air
As I look upon them
I wonder
How far has my life gone?
When does the dream end
And reality begin?
Even as the seas roar
And they fly through the sky
Upon the bird of their heart
Rainbow lights dazzle
Our heart
Walking through the lost lonely lands
Whom so many in their older years fought
Not lonely
Because people of the heart people it
But are they the only people?
Walking so far
My feet hurt
Please, please
Give me a cup of water
The hills are green and fair in the distance
Who knows what lies beyond them
Except the ice cold blue glaciers?
Is the ship ready?
We are about to sail
Sail where?
I don't know
Please help me
Where should I go?
Against our hair
More so
Than others
A pair of shoes
Sun-kissed face
Lying in my bed
Walking down the walkway by the water
Selling merchandise
Designed by New York
Restaurants and dinners
Parks and Carriages
Couture or culture?
Wednesday, October 20, 2004
In the Dark
Through the painted sands of Time and Life
On the Cold dark Earth
Where is the light
Where is the Help
Past the winds
Past the mountains
Past the sky
Across the ocean
Wandering below the soft blue silver-star-lit sky
Running past you
In their freedom
If you'll ever have the same freedom
Dreaming of
Old loves
Falling to the earth again
Alone in the dark
Sounds coming
What will happen?
In the Dark
Through the painted sands of Time and Life
On the Cold dark Earth
Where is the light
Where is the Help
Past the winds
Past the mountains
Past the sky
Across the ocean
Wandering below the soft blue silver-star-lit sky
Running past you
In their freedom
If you'll ever have the same freedom
Dreaming of
Old loves
Falling to the earth again
Alone in the dark
Sounds coming
What will happen?
Thursday, October 07, 2004
Drop down
Into the well
With me
Into a cornucopia of darkness and death
Where the voices laugh and taunt
As our footsteps pound against the slimy wet stones
And where the price of the living is demanded
In the pound of flesh
Stones tossed and runes exchanged
Laughing glint of teeth in Hell's markets
Where women take their baths
In tubs of blood
And men
Carve into their skin their much-needed tattoos
Of death
Walking through the sewers
of death
Voices echoing in malicious glee
A world created where no other world lay
Irefunes, the North Gate to Hell
The gates would only close too fast
Over our heads
Locking out the light
Death and darkness
doth reign
Winter and night has come for us
The city of cemeteries
Opens its arms to greet us.
Into the well
With me
Into a cornucopia of darkness and death
Where the voices laugh and taunt
As our footsteps pound against the slimy wet stones
And where the price of the living is demanded
In the pound of flesh
Stones tossed and runes exchanged
Laughing glint of teeth in Hell's markets
Where women take their baths
In tubs of blood
And men
Carve into their skin their much-needed tattoos
Of death
Walking through the sewers
of death
Voices echoing in malicious glee
A world created where no other world lay
Irefunes, the North Gate to Hell
The gates would only close too fast
Over our heads
Locking out the light
Death and darkness
doth reign
Winter and night has come for us
The city of cemeteries
Opens its arms to greet us.
Monday, October 04, 2004
She sought thee
She sought thee with all the silken slippery wings of hers
She seeked thee
She seeked the solace offered by thee
The heaven-soakened, soft-satin, serene-night comfort of thee
Each night she slipped through the darkened shadows
Passing all which slept and slumbered under the dark and sunken sky
Stepping past the stones that cut the soles of her unshod feet
When once she was a little girl
She first knew thee
Thou were her only comfort
Her saviour
Then she lost thee when thou disappeareth from her sight
And she never knew another who stopped her
Stopped her from slipping down the steep slope
From sinking into the silken-black waters until she was drowned
Drowned by the screaming, screeching, shrieking cries of her own
desire to see thee again
Sorry that she ever knew thee, was ever saved by thee
Sorry that she was saved for this life of longing for thee
Slipped from her grasp and from her sight
And let the cold brackish waters slither and slip up and surround her
Slide up around her shoulders
And close in over her head and sun-washed moon-shone crown
She breathes in the deep dark water
And closes her eyes
And breathes thee in
Thou saved her soul
But she is left below
Let the sun cease to shine
And the moon to slip behind the shredded clouds
The stars to shrivel up one by one and die away to dust and ash
Because thou never didst return to her
A promise held sacred by a little child
A promise never to be resolved
As she lies upon her deathslab
Thou wilt return and kneel in sorrow by her side and mourn her slipping
away from thy solitary existence
And thou wilt seek the solace which she once sought from thee
Uncherished, unsolicited, unanswered pray of solace
Unassauged for all of eternity
For the death did sleep deeply.
Ariastotle (the giant laboratory)
Feeble the mind
And sing the songs
of the sweet
drugged intellectuals
Free the mind
of the sweet
drugged intellectuals
ascertain those
who write with your pen
who listen to your words
And understand what you say
Poison us all with your words
And make us listen to what you say
Free us
With your opium
Put another pinch
Into the fire
Drug us with your essay
Free the world and trap it with your logic
Science which would never allow it to run free
oh Ariastotle
How I long for your deep drugged science
Make me listen
I don't want to listen anymore
The sinews of my body are screaming in protest
Stop using me as your experiments
Stop using me
Haven't you used the world enough for your experiments
What twisted logic have you
Haven't you twisted the world enough for your experiments
Your experiments of science
Of learning
Welcome to our labotary
The laboratory of human
Haven't you decide enough for us
Told us enough
Oh Ariastotle
Put that needle deep into my vein
Fill me with your knowledge
Stop filling me with your knowledge
I don't want to know anymore
Pick out the needle
The dream of Ariastotle is like a giant laboratory
She sought thee
She sought thee with all the silken slippery wings of hers
She seeked thee
She seeked the solace offered by thee
The heaven-soakened, soft-satin, serene-night comfort of thee
Each night she slipped through the darkened shadows
Passing all which slept and slumbered under the dark and sunken sky
Stepping past the stones that cut the soles of her unshod feet
When once she was a little girl
She first knew thee
Thou were her only comfort
Her saviour
Then she lost thee when thou disappeareth from her sight
And she never knew another who stopped her
Stopped her from slipping down the steep slope
From sinking into the silken-black waters until she was drowned
Drowned by the screaming, screeching, shrieking cries of her own
desire to see thee again
Sorry that she ever knew thee, was ever saved by thee
Sorry that she was saved for this life of longing for thee
Slipped from her grasp and from her sight
And let the cold brackish waters slither and slip up and surround her
Slide up around her shoulders
And close in over her head and sun-washed moon-shone crown
She breathes in the deep dark water
And closes her eyes
And breathes thee in
Thou saved her soul
But she is left below
Let the sun cease to shine
And the moon to slip behind the shredded clouds
The stars to shrivel up one by one and die away to dust and ash
Because thou never didst return to her
A promise held sacred by a little child
A promise never to be resolved
As she lies upon her deathslab
Thou wilt return and kneel in sorrow by her side and mourn her slipping
away from thy solitary existence
And thou wilt seek the solace which she once sought from thee
Uncherished, unsolicited, unanswered pray of solace
Unassauged for all of eternity
For the death did sleep deeply.
Ariastotle (the giant laboratory)
Feeble the mind
And sing the songs
of the sweet
drugged intellectuals
Free the mind
of the sweet
drugged intellectuals
ascertain those
who write with your pen
who listen to your words
And understand what you say
Poison us all with your words
And make us listen to what you say
Free us
With your opium
Put another pinch
Into the fire
Drug us with your essay
Free the world and trap it with your logic
Science which would never allow it to run free
oh Ariastotle
How I long for your deep drugged science
Make me listen
I don't want to listen anymore
The sinews of my body are screaming in protest
Stop using me as your experiments
Stop using me
Haven't you used the world enough for your experiments
What twisted logic have you
Haven't you twisted the world enough for your experiments
Your experiments of science
Of learning
Welcome to our labotary
The laboratory of human
Haven't you decide enough for us
Told us enough
Oh Ariastotle
Put that needle deep into my vein
Fill me with your knowledge
Stop filling me with your knowledge
I don't want to know anymore
Pick out the needle
The dream of Ariastotle is like a giant laboratory
Sunday, October 03, 2004
Come run with me
Come run after me into the night of the shimmering lights.
Come run with me
Come run with me into the dazzling field of sunlight.
What is this zest for life?
Which returns to me
What is this sudden rush of cool wind
Which stirs alive my heart
Suddenly the stars have never seemed clearer
My spirit never more alive
As I stand here on this earth
Feeling the embrace of everything all around me
It's a magic resurrected hard to believe
I tremble to believe it's true
Suddenly I do believe
In myself once again
And all around me
The laughter, the sounds, the magic
I am a part of the worlds again
More alive than dead
More than anything
And more than a bit of everything
It's a magic and passion that's come back alive
And brought me back alive
Swinging, running, jumping
Glorifying in day and night
Singing, music, talking
Discovering new wonders
Reliving old ones
Friendship and adrenaline
Dancing and confidence
It's kind of unbelievable
A believable kind of passion which has returned to me at last and returned me.
Come run with me
Come run after me into the night of the shimmering lights.
Come run with me
Come run with me into the dazzling field of sunlight.
What is this zest for life?
Which returns to me
What is this sudden rush of cool wind
Which stirs alive my heart
Suddenly the stars have never seemed clearer
My spirit never more alive
As I stand here on this earth
Feeling the embrace of everything all around me
It's a magic resurrected hard to believe
I tremble to believe it's true
Suddenly I do believe
In myself once again
And all around me
The laughter, the sounds, the magic
I am a part of the worlds again
More alive than dead
More than anything
And more than a bit of everything
It's a magic and passion that's come back alive
And brought me back alive
Swinging, running, jumping
Glorifying in day and night
Singing, music, talking
Discovering new wonders
Reliving old ones
Friendship and adrenaline
Dancing and confidence
It's kind of unbelievable
A believable kind of passion which has returned to me at last and returned me.
Water, Love, Stars, Heaven, Earth, Hell, Frozen, Runes, Death.
Like water
Blurring at the touch
Your face on one side
Mine on the other
Love so sweet
Two mirrors
So far away
It can't be said
That two so alike and so opposite can ever be together
Hell on one side
Heaven on the other
Sky above
Water and earth below
Min des tos laroses
Water blurred so no one ever knows
Cradled in the grave together at last
Your hand in mine
Mine in yours
So far away from the stars.
Like water
Blurring at the touch
Your face on one side
Mine on the other
Love so sweet
Two mirrors
So far away
It can't be said
That two so alike and so opposite can ever be together
Hell on one side
Heaven on the other
Sky above
Water and earth below
Min des tos laroses
Water blurred so no one ever knows
Cradled in the grave together at last
Your hand in mine
Mine in yours
So far away from the stars.
Vermilion Sunshine Death
Blood runs down her hands
The rain washes it away from her face
Cold death whispers in her ears
What it whispers to her, I can't tell you
You'll have to find out for yourself
But can you bring yourself to know
The path to knowing is the path she took
Through the dark
Bloody and gruesome way of death
Littered through with many corpses
Dirty waters shining with grinning skulls
Secrets of theirs never told in hell
Suffer in hell as she did
The path which broke a lot of backs
The path which broke a lot of backs
And a lot of hearts
Would you suffer to traverse the path of the lonely
Follow the loops of anguish, heartbreak and the loss of
Fallen comrades left behind a long time ago
This path does not suffer those who look back
It reaches out to steal the beating hearts of those who look over their shoulder
To live you need to steal the hearts of the dead
Carve them out of the decaying chests
Steal your way through your living nightmares
Past the webs weaved of these past dimensions of hell
She was once like you
Sunshine on grass
Remember laughter, remember innocence
Before she fell down the rabbit hole
Tumbling, tumbling down
Into the depths of the darkness
Remember the laughter, remember the happiness
Remember the love
Now the sunshine is splashed with blood
Turning vermilion in the hands of the innocent dead
Splashed across the neck
Of terror and fear incarnated
Screams echo across the laughter
The angels of solace and comfort never seemed so far away
She remembers the sunshine
Even as she carves out the vermilion death
Kneeling in the dark
Cold rain splashes over her face
Washing the blood off her hands
The darkness of hell is neverending
Come on
There is more work to be done.
©all poetry copyrighted by marilyn 2004Blood runs down her hands
The rain washes it away from her face
Cold death whispers in her ears
What it whispers to her, I can't tell you
You'll have to find out for yourself
But can you bring yourself to know
The path to knowing is the path she took
Through the dark
Bloody and gruesome way of death
Littered through with many corpses
Dirty waters shining with grinning skulls
Secrets of theirs never told in hell
Suffer in hell as she did
The path which broke a lot of backs
The path which broke a lot of backs
And a lot of hearts
Would you suffer to traverse the path of the lonely
Follow the loops of anguish, heartbreak and the loss of
Fallen comrades left behind a long time ago
This path does not suffer those who look back
It reaches out to steal the beating hearts of those who look over their shoulder
To live you need to steal the hearts of the dead
Carve them out of the decaying chests
Steal your way through your living nightmares
Past the webs weaved of these past dimensions of hell
She was once like you
Sunshine on grass
Remember laughter, remember innocence
Before she fell down the rabbit hole
Tumbling, tumbling down
Into the depths of the darkness
Remember the laughter, remember the happiness
Remember the love
Now the sunshine is splashed with blood
Turning vermilion in the hands of the innocent dead
Splashed across the neck
Of terror and fear incarnated
Screams echo across the laughter
The angels of solace and comfort never seemed so far away
She remembers the sunshine
Even as she carves out the vermilion death
Kneeling in the dark
Cold rain splashes over her face
Washing the blood off her hands
The darkness of hell is neverending
Come on
There is more work to be done.